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Training on Taking over the Container Vessel “Ren Jian Shi Dai” and Work Arrangements
Source:原创文章 Author:admin Release time:2020-12-25 Number of Views:1271
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Notice of taking over the vessel

On December 11, 2020, our company received the notice from the ship owner, Quanzhou Ansheng Shipping Co., Ltd., to officially start the taking over of “Ren Jian Shi Dai, a 2,500 TEU container vessel, in container ship "Renjian Era" at the shipyard of Xiamen Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. (XSI). At the request of the ship owner, the four major crew members (or the TOP 4) for taking over the vessel needed to arrive at the office of Ansheng Shipping to receive training and head for the shipyard of XSI to start the taking-over work on December 15, along with the rest of the crew arriving at the shipyard on December 17.

Taking-over deployments

At the meeting, General Manager He Yubin made a preliminary plan according to the Company’s requirements of the ship taking-over process defined in the quality management system. After listening to the additional comments and suggestions of the attendees, he made thorough and detailed processes and arrangements, including pre-joining training, the signing of the on-board agreement with related personnel, division of work, and connection with various departments of the ship owner and relevant parties of the shipyard.

At the meeting, the companys chairman made specific arrangements and requirements on the division of work for taking-over.

(1) For pre-joining training, Marine Superintendent Peng Guobin is responsible for giving overall consideration into the training content and schedule, with the assistance and coordination of executive deputy general manager and the chief engineer. The training should focus on ship arrangements and division of work, but more importantly, the TOP 4 are required to close ranks to weld into a strong fighting collective and fully demonstrate the spirit and comprehensive quality of GSI.

(2) The manager of Crew Department and the project leader should complete the relevant work before all the crew members go on board, make travel arrangements well, and ensure each crew member to get to the designated place in time and without errors.

(3) The TOP 4 will visit the ship owner for training, led by the general manager and accompanied by the marine superintendent and the project leader, and communicate with the ship owner’s ship management department on the specific matters and arrangements for taking-over and on the issues in the process of the crew assignment, so as to align in action with the ship owner in the subsequent operation.

(4) The marine superintendent and the project leader accompany the TOP 4 to the shipyard, coordinate with the marine superintendent and technical superintendent of the ship owner and shipyard officers to properly make unified deployment and unified actions before ship taking-over, and arrange the reception of all the crew members arriving at the shipyard soon afterwards. Only after the taking-over work is on the right track they can return to the Company.

After the meeting, the ship taking-over work officially started according to plan ...


At 9:30 a.m. on December 13, the TOP 4 arrived at the Company on time. At 9:45 a.m., the pre-joining training for them started formally, where general manager He Youbin highlighted the management philosophy and quality policy, the basic quality of the staff, the Company's five “musts” for crew services, and other corporate culture of GSI, while briefing the profile of the ship owner, Quanzhou Ansheng Shipping.

Executive deputy general manager Zheng Shaohua focused on the requirements on obedience consciousness, service consciousness, safety consciousness, contractual and credibility consciousness, and code of conduct that GSI crew should observe.


The executive deputy general manager, port captain, and chief engineer alike at the training session on ship taking-over for the TOP 4 officers

Marine Superintendent Peng Guobin highlighted the characteristic management system of the Company, as well as the scale, route characteristics and port distribution of Quanzhou Ansheng’s container vessels.

According to the Company's guideline for ship taking-over, Tan Rong, Deputy General Manager and Chief Engineer, made thorough and detailed arrangements through discussion with the TOP 4 on the division of work, the collaboration with representatives of the ship owner and shipyard, the process and precautions of ship taking-over, and the matters that should be paid special attention during the operations after ship taking-over, among many others, in combination with the special situations of “Ren Jian Shi Dai placed in the shipyard for nearly two years after its construction.


Group photo of the Company’s chairman, general manager and other leaders with the officer team for the ship taking-over

After the training, the Companys chairman, executives, and the head of Crew Management gave a send-off dinner to the TOP 4 officers, where the chairman put forward five requirements to them.

(1) The master and the ship’s leadership must put the safety of the ship in operation and the crew in the first place, and educate and train the crew to firmly establish safety awareness and develop good safety habits.

(2) The leadership should promote a united and collaborative fighting bastion, developing not only the ability to work and manage independently, but also the overall consciousness to cooperate with and support each other. The chief engineer, chief officer and second engineer must obey the unified leadership of the master, and the management personnel should respect and complement each other, and do everything in a way that puts the overall interests of the vessel first.

(3) All crew members should actively prepare for all external inspections and internal inspections of the ship owner and be cooperative during them, give a warm reception to inspectors, leaders of the ship owner, and personnel of various departments with a broad smile and active accompaniment.

(4) All crew members should actively cooperate with relevant departments of the ship owner, respect the marine superintendent and technical superintendent, strictly execute the company’s instructions and management requirements, proactively complete the work required by the marine superintendent and technical superintendent, and promptly report problems of the ship that cannot be solved on our own to the marine superintendent and technical superintendent and seek shore-based support.

(5) In accordance with the requirements of the Company, supervise and check the code of conduct of the crew, improve the comprehensive quality of the crew, establish and maintain a good style of work, strictly follow the operating procedures, and create a tense and orderly, rigorous and harmonious working and living environment.

Finally, the master took a stand with the company’s leadership on behalf of the ship’s leadership team, promising to definitely implement the management requirements of the ship owner and the Company, keep in mind the concept of delivering quality services for the ship owner, obey the ship owner’s management, do well in all management work, and make contributions to the realization of the Company’s plan for the common development of ro-ro and container ship businesses and the branding of GSI internationally!

We believe that, with the great attention and support of the Company and the hard working and active cooperation of all crew members, we will be able to properly take over and manage “Ren Jian Shi Dai, and thus initiate a new stage of the common development of ro-ro and container ship businesses!

The official start of the work of taking over the ship officially started...    

1. The early arrival of the TOP 4: Company leaders and officers responsible for taking over the ship visited Quanzhou Ansheng.


2. Officer training: The officer responsible for taking over the ship went to Quanzhou Ansheng to receive pre-joining training.


3. Crew assembly and training: The executive deputy general manger gave special training to the crew taking over the ship on corporate culture, code of conduct, precautions, service awareness and safety awareness improvement and others.



