Recruitment Information

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  • Class a mechanic Guangzhou - Tianjin 1 2022-08-02 2022-08-25
    Place:Guangzhou - Tianjin
    Number: 1
    Launch date: 2022-08-02
    deadline: 2022-08-25
    Job description

    1. Assist the marine engineer staff in the daily repair and maintenance of the main engine, auxiliary engine and related equipment.

    2. Assist the Engineer in the daily repair and maintenance of the steering gear and windlass.

    3. 40000 ton containers.

    4. If you need class a certificate, you can apply for Advanced Certificate.

    5. Route: Guangzhou Tianjin.

    6. The salary is 8500 yuan / month, including social security.

    Job requirements

    1. Class a certificate and container qualification are required.

    2. Understand the use and maintenance of various ballast pumps and fire pumps in the engine room and deck.

    3. Understand various hydraulic principles and mechanical braking principles.

    4. Understand the introduction to marine engineering and electrical engineering.

    5. Understand welding technology and essentials.

    contact us
    Manager Deng 15827655545