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GSI’s 2020 training session for officers successfully held!
Source:原创文章 Author:admin Release time:2020-11-13 Number of Views:815
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According to the annual training plan for the quality management system, our company organized a training session for officers in the conference room on October 30, 2020, which was attended by more than 30 internal officers and external officers with long-term partnerships with us.

The training was chaired by GSI Master Superintendent Peng Guobin, with participation of General Manager He Yubin (C/E) and Executive Deputy General Manager Zheng Shaohua (Capt). Combined with the actual situation of the ships under the management of our company today, the attendees analyzed the causes and discussed improvement measures around the typical accidents and incidents occurring recently with all the ship owners we serve and in the ships we manage.

At the same time, the situation of the owners of 7 new container ships recently staffed with our crew, the salary, the requirements of the ship owners for each position and others were presented. Based on the current urgent need of the ship manning business, we asked all the crew members to overcome difficulties, work actively on board according to the requirements of the Company, and actively recommend suitable crew resources to the Company.


After the session, the Company organized a welcome banquet, where the Companys chairman Mr. Yang Yuping (Capt) gave a toast at the beginning, reviewing the milestones of GSI, thanking all the crew members for their hard work all the way, and wishing to write a new page of the book together in the future!
